Raluca Budiu
About me I am a Senior Researcher
at Nielsen Norman Group, working in user experience (UX) and usability.
My job has several components:
- Training seminars for clients and at Usability Week conferences on the following topics:
- Consulting for clients from a variety of industries on usability-related topics
- Usability research on topics ranging from mobile phones and tablets to children's websites, as well as coauthoring of reports with design guidelines
- Writing UX articles for nngroup.com
Previously, I worked at Microsoft and at
Xerox PARC.
I obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon
University. I am originally from Romania.
Jakob Nielsen, Raluca Budiu. Mobile Usability . New Riders Press 2012. Published in English, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish.
Nielsen Norman Group Reports
Raluca Budiu, Jakob Nielsen. "iPad App and Website Usability" (2 editions)
Raluca Budiu, Jakob Nielsen. " Mobile Website and Application Usability" (2 editions)
Raluca Budiu, Jakob Nielsen. Tablet Website and Application Usability".
Raluca Budiu, Jakob Nielsen. "Children (Ages 3-12) on the Web (2nd edition)".
Articles for NNGRoup.com
Nonfiction Books on Tablets: Still a Work in Progress
Search Is Not Enough: Synergy Between Navigation and Search
Maximize the Content-to-Chrome Ratio, Not the Amount of Content on Screen
Direct Access vs. Sequential Access: Definition
Memory Recognition and Recall in User Interfaces
Scaling User Interfaces: An Information-Processing Approach to Multi-Device Design
Login Walls Stop Users in Their Tracks
The Reciprocity Principle: Give Before You Take in Web Design
Usability Testing for Mobile Is Easy
Smartwatches Are the Future\But Samsung Galaxy Gear Only Partway There
iOS 7 User-Experience Appraisal
Mobile: Native Apps, Web Apps, and Hybrid Apps
Interaction Cost
Selected Interviews and Press Mentions
Fast Company. With Android Lollipop, Mobile Multitasking Takes A Great Leap Forward
USA Today. Apple loses some of its magic touch with iOS7.
Associated Press. Apple unveils iOS7, new operating system
Forbes. Someone Named Raluca Budiu Doesn't Like Windows 8: What if She's Right?
CNET. The Windows 8 'kick me' sign.
Laptop Magazine. Usability Expert: Windows 8 on PCs is Confusing, a Cognitive Burden.
Market Watch. Windows 8 wonft quickly revive PC market
PC World. The Windows 8 UI: How do interface and usability experts rate all the changes?
Techcrunch. Windows 8 Is gA Cognitive Burdenh
MIT Tech Review. How distracting are social media tools?
Poynter. iPad news apps lack accessibility and usability
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Raluca Budiu, Peter Pirolli, Lichan Hong (2009). Rememberance of things tagged:
How tagging effort affects tag production and human memory.
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Cystems, CHI'09 . Boston MA, 615-624.
Lichan Hong, Ed Chi, Raluca Budiu, Peter Pirolli, Les Nelson (2008). SparTag.us: A low cost tagging system for foraging of web content. Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI'08), Naples, Italy, 2008.
Raluca Budiu, Peter Pirolli (2007),
Modeling navigation in degree-of-interest trees. Proceedings
of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Conference, Nashville, TN, August 2007.
Raluca Budiu, Christiaan Royer, Peter Pirolli (2007),
Modeling information scent: A comparison of LSA, PMI and GLSA
similarity measures on common tests and corpora. Proceedings
of RIAO'07 Pittsburgh, PA, May 2007.
Raluca Budiu, Peter Pirolli, Michael Fleetwood, Julie Heiser
Navigation in degree-of-interest trees. Proceedings of the
Advanced Visual Interfaces Conference (AVI), Venice, Italy, May
Raluca Budiu, John R. Anderson (2006). Word learning
in context --- Metaphors and neologisms. In M. A. Vanchevsky
(ed.). Focus on cognitive psychology reseach. Nova Science
Publishers, NY: Hauppage.
Raluca Budiu, John R. Anderson (2005).
Negation in
non-literal sentences. Proceedings of the 27th Annual
Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Stresa, Italy, July 2005.
Raluca Budiu, John R. Anderson (2004).
Interpretation-based processing: A unified theory of semantic sentence
comprehension. Cognitive Science, 28, pp. 1-44. [abstract] [pdf]
Raluca Budiu, John R. Anderson (2003).
Verification of Sentences Containing Anaphoric Metaphors.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cognitive
Modeling, Bamberg, Germany, April 2003. [abstract] [pdf]
Raluca Budiu, John R. Anderson (2002).
Comprehending Anaphoric Metaphors. Memory & Cognition, 30,
pp. 158-165. [abstract]
Raluca Budiu (2001).
The Role of Background Knowledge in Sentence
Processing. Doctoral Dissertation, School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University. (Available as Technical Report No.
CMU-CS-O1-148.) [abstract]
[pdf] [defense slides]
John R. Anderson,  Raluca Budiu,  Lynne M. Reder (2001).
A Theory of Sentence Memory as Part of A General Theory of Memory,
Journal of Memory and Language, 45, pp. 337-367. [abstract]
Raluca Budiu, John R. Anderson (2000).
Integration of
Background Knowledge in Sentence Processing: A Unified Theory of
Metaphor Understanding, Semantic Illusions and Text Memory.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cognitive
Modeling, Groningen, Netherlands, pp. 50-57. [abstract] [pdf]
A more detailed variant of this paper is included in my thesis
proposal. [pdf]
Contact Information
Raluca Budiu
Email: raluca at alumni dot cmu dot edu
raluca at alumni dot cmu dot edu